Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

This post is inspired by Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet. I love reading her blog and her positive outlook! I felt a sense of renewal and excitement to walk into my job this Monday morning, after the National Art Education Association Conference I was at in Seattle. I also really missed my students, so today definitely feels like a fresh start!

Danielle wrote five goals to better herself for the week, and so I will write out my goals as well, using her categories.

Nutrition: This week I am logging everything that I eat, including those pesky snacks that get in the way. (I think that maybe if I know I have to write it down, that in itself may help me make good choices!). I am also going to make a big soup that I will partly freeze and partly put in containers to bring to work for lunch this week. I will not buy any food out this week, or lunches out this week, and will wait until the weekend if I want to get food out (saving my money and all together avoiding a chance of food poisoning again!)

Exercise: I am going to strap on my rollerskates and get outside and skate! I miss playing Roller Derby so much, and I think it will be nice to work those muscles again even though I don't have time to commit to a league right now.

Relationships: Honesty is the very best policy. I am going to be honest with myself and others no matter what. This week I will continue to foster positive relationships and be sure to call my family, friends, and set up some friend dates! I am also planning a little surprise for my special someone.

Creativity: I will be working on finishing a painting that was commissioned, and I will make at least one skirt and a dress this week! I can't wait to break my sewing machine out after weeks of dormancy!

Me-time: I am actually really good at this. Having Malomar helps because my walks in the park with him are definitely a time to myself and thoughts! In addition to this, I am going to set aside one night where I don't bring my work computer home and I leave work at work! This will take some work and I may have a panic attack, but I am going to try!

And, like I was inspired to...if you also jot down 5 "better yourself" goals for the week, post the link below so we can all share!



  1. aww what a cute pup! I really loved your goals too- good luck with them!

    And also, thank you for reading my blog, I really appreciate it :)

    Have a great Monday night!

  2. Why thank you! I have actually been reading your blog for some time now and love it, especially your commitment to nutrition and exercise! (and of course how damn cute you and your family are!)
