Sunday, May 15, 2011

a soggy walk

it felt so wonderful to walk through the park with temperate air and raindrops easing down over our helps to know that right across the street there is a swan gliding across the water, ducks chasing each other and plants swaying in the breeze.
but sometimes, the sprinkling of drops turns unexpectedly into which time it is helpful to know that right across the street there are trees to take shelter under, mud to sink your shoes into, and a dog that gives kisses on the nose in payment for protective from the rain.


  1. Cutest pictures ever! Need to meet that little man!

    p.s. my blog is acting all sorts of wierd, putting old posts newer than new ones? and erasing peoples comments? does yours ever do this wack shit?

  2. Aww thanks babe! You have never met Malomar? That is so crazy! Needs to happen stat!

    I wrote you on your blog about the posts...blogger was down and when it restored I am not sure that it restored comments. For me, this was the first time that it had happened, but I haven't been blogging that long, hopefully it was an anomaly!
