Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sunday's Song

No matter how many times I hear this song, I cannot get over it.

Absolutely Amazingly Breathtakingly Beautiful.

Imogen Heap: Hide and Seek.

Have a lovely Sunday!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday V.8

I am thankful for...

Walks in my neighborhood,
first thing in the morning...
...and last thing before going to bed.
Going to see the WORST opera ever, only saved by the ability to heckle and say "really?! really?!" with them...
Warm days and lounging in Central Park...
with Malomar...
...and this beautiful lady.
Dinner and catching up with Dominic, who was visiting from Portland.
and this one...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


When I was little, and yes, maybe not even so long ago I used to hate hate hate my crooked front tooth. I even had braces to straighten my teeth out. The crooked tooth was the very first tooth to move to the "right" spot when I got my braces...and wouldn't you know, it was the first one to move right back into its crooked little lifestyle as soon as I was sans braces.

Over the years I have mentioned getting this tooth fixed again, and I am always met with the same exact response. "I like that tooth!" says my friend, partner, relative.

Sometimes when I put big girl makeup on I get a little sad that when I smile the crooked tooth just jumps out at me...but not today!!! Maybe it was the amount of sun in the sky, or maybe I am finally smartening up...regardless, here is to accepting those little imperfections that make!

Live, Listen and Learn V.4

My sister and I were talking a lot about the difference between growing up in America and growing up in other countries, or even the difference it makes when you spend time in other countries. I know that people often say moving to another country and living abroad changes you forever, so I asked my sister a little bit about that. My sister studied abroad in London during her undergraduate, and she moved to Czech Republic and lived there for a while. She and her husband, who she met in the Czech Republic moved to Portugal together for a little while before going back to Prague and then eventually moving to NY.

We discussed a lot of cultural and social differences that occur in other countries and there were many to talk about! One thing my sister said is that in other countries, children listen to their elders and respect what they have to say. There is a tradition of listening to people older than you and really taking it in, realizing that maybe they have something to share with you that they have learned from all of their years and experiences on earth.

Well, at the Czech Center opening, I spoke to many different people of all ages and coming from a lot of different backgrounds.

One person I spoke to was this gem:

Who imparted the following wisdom...

He said, "I have learned this...if you want a good life, you need 4 things:

1. Someone to love
2. Something to do
3. Something to look forward to
4. To not take life too seriously"

...I think this is wonderful advice!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It is going to be 80 degrees today!

The weather is amazing today and I am going to the Opera tonight! This will actually be my first time going to an Opera, I am going to see Seance on a Wet Afternoon. Excited!

Also, since it was actually light out this morning when my alarm buzzed I resisted the snooze button this morning and with the extra time made myself a smoothie. Almond milk, frozen banana and blackberries...yum, bring on the spring!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Recap (Image Heavy)

I am known to pack the most inappropriate things ever for cabin trips. In the past I swear that I have brought high heels with the hopes of being cute on the deck by the water. This time, when visiting my sister's cabin I decided to pack as light as possible and only bring things that made sense. The clothes on my back, some books, jammies and workout gear should the mood strike me.

Malomar and I headed down south, through New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and on to Maryland. He is a total trooper on road trips and has been taking them for a long time. He does so well in the car!

A sneak peek into the cabin. It is decorated as cabin kitsch as possible, rules.

Whenever my sister and her husband and I get together, cooking is a main past time. My sister made an awesome roasted red pepper soup from this cookbook! Yum!

My dad came down and ate with us too! He has been eating a lot more vegetarian food lately, I so happy about this! It is great when you can cook good vegan food for people and they don't even know the difference!
We also made some yummy pizza. The trick for this one: fresh ginger to liven up the crust (Thanks Chris!)

There are a lot of farms around Maryland, and this one has their animals all outside roaming around. A good place to buy cheese, or meat from if you partake in that sort of thing.

We also hit up a great nursery and I was very happy to get bee balm and a couple herb plants.

At this particular farm they had roaming horses, and also goats for sale! I couldn't resist their cute little faces!

As always, you can click on my photographs for a larger image.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend too!