Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday V.6

Today I am thankful for all of the signs of Spring, and the things that come with warm weather!

Day Moon...

This swan gliding across the pond.

This guy not being afraid of the swans at all, so funny!

This patoot.

So pretty!

Iced coffee and warm weather walks with Malomar.

Puddles of rain are always good! April showers bring a healthy growing season!

Slowing down and noticing the little things.

Neighborhood trees blooming.

Exercising in shorts and a tshirt! Warm weather workouts are so refreshing!

Side ponytails! I suppose these can happen in winter, but something about warm weather makes me bust these out!

Don't forget to slow down and think about what YOU are thankful for!


  1. Great pictures...I am definitely also thankful that warmer weather is on it's way!

  2. Thanks! Oh do Thankful Thursdays too! LOVE IT!

  3. Side ponytails are my personal fave too. I think it must be a throw back to my 80's childhood. : )

    Yay for spring!



  4. That must be it for me too...but now minus the scrunchy :)
