Get dressed for work, feed dog and kitties and have Claudia shoulder time.
Walk Malomar at Park
Get to work around the time the sun is rising.
Prep for the Day
Teach the little ones...
Clean up whatever crazy messes occurred during the day. I usually leave work around 5:30 or 6 on good days. We have an extended school day, so my scheduled work hours are 7:00 or 7:30 AM (depends on day) until 5:00 PM each day.
Get home and feed kitties, doggy and myself...then head outside for a workout, listening to my favorite music.
Take Malomar to the Park for his 3rd walk of the day (yes, I spoil him...but it gets me out there walking too!)
Get into my studio and paint...
Get back to bed and get rested so I can do it all over again!
So now for my Spring Break to do list...can you imagine having all of this extra time for a whole week! Here we go...
-Paint texture in kitchen
-Pick up photographs from show
-Paint, Paint, Paint
-Sleep in!
-Make at least 1 piece of clothing (itching for a bright yellow spring skirt or dress!)
-Either visit Providence or Boston
-Visit Maryland and go to sister's cabin
-Long walks and photographic adventures with Malomar
-Read When Things Fall Apart
-Start seedlings
-A big apartment cleaning
-Purge any winter clothing that I did not wear (or turn it into new clothing!)
-Elsie's Blog Love E-Course
-Lots of exercise...including picking up my bike from my sister's!
-Wander around my city
The favorite thing about my list is that it is filled with a lot of to dos, but there is no time constraint and I can do it all at my own pace. I am not used to unstructured time, and usually fill my breaks from school with trips (like the impromptu trip I took to Paris during my winter break) this is a nice change of pace!
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