Thursday, November 3, 2011

Farm Love

In honor of The ioby Benefit tonight, I thought I would do a farm love roundup.

~Here are some Farm Fall items that inspire me!~

1. Farm Fresh Milk. If you are going to drink it, at least get it local!
2. Baked Acorn Squash. One of my favorite Fall meals. (I use olive oil instead of margarine/butter)
3. Wouldn't this barrel make an awesome side table?
4. Brandon Schaefer Animal Farm Print
5. Eickhoff Orange Farm Blazer
6. Yew Tree House Antiques-19th Century English Elm Farm Table



  1. every single one of these things is my favorite too!
    love autumn and the colors and happenings! can we just bottle it up, please?

    and girl, I love your site. the farming and the life stuff just sounds awesome.

  2. i love the barrel! my dad made a huge dining room table out of four barrels. it's so tall we have to use bar stools, but it's super fun. my absolute favorite, though, is the rocking barrel, also made by my dad. he put the barrel on its side, built a rocking horse type base and threw one of our old horse saddles over it. it's the coolest thing ever and a wildly fun way to watch tv.

  3. Becca: nice to meet you, glad you like my blog...hope you keep coming back!

    Kim: ooooh, I love making furniture like that! I also love the idea of watching TV on a rocking horse barrel...your Dad sounds spectacular!

