Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brooklyn Bites!

I go to a Farmer's Market at least once a week to stock up on my supplies for the week. There are many reasons for using Farmer's Markets rather than grocery stores, but let me give you mine:

1. Farmer's Markets directly SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS.
2. Farmer's Markets stock only fruits and vegetables that are IN SEASON.
3. Most Farmer's Market produce is ORGANIC or meets ORGANIC standards.
4. I like to know where my food comes from, I like to know it's story.
5. Most Farmers Market produce is CHEAPER than buying from a grocery store.

(let's not forget that Farmer's Markets accept EBT cards, and some Markets even offer incentive or extra bang for your unemployed government buck if you qualify for EBT)

All in all, I think Farmer's Markets RULE!!! and I am blessed to live in an area with many farmer's markets for my choosing!

I usually go to the Sunday greenmarket in Park Slope, but this past Saturday morning when I woke up I saw a tweet about fresh strawberries and I just couldn't wait until Sunday!

To my surprise and delight, the Saturday Farmer's Market was AMAZING!

It is a beautiful walk to this Farmer's Market through Prospect Park, and when I arrived it was so bustling and big, and full of all different types of fresh produce, meats, milks, cheeses and plants! There are also composting efforts and a clothing recycling center set up.

{This week I bought}
pea shoots
apple cider
mixed salad greens
shiitake mushrooms
sweet potatoes
a lemon verbena plant


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