Wednesday, August 24, 2011

oh the places you'll go

{or, rather, the places you have yet to go...}

Sometimes I like to think that I have checked out a lot of the states, and perhaps I have seen a few different areas in North America, but as you can see: I have stuck mostly to the coasts and have left the poor square states in the center (which I can't even name)...completely unexplored!  

I had wanted to take a road trip this summer across those areas, in fact, it was part of my Summer Goals. Unfortunately, this road trip could not happen this summer...but I definitely notice some places that I want to visit soon!

Sometimes I wish I had some sort of musical talent so I could tour across the country.  Hours on end in a smelly van with a bunch of other musicians sounds like fun!  Getting paid in pizza and beer sounds even better.  

I ask, is it too late to become a famous touring musician? is?  Well, even though I have no talent can I be in a band who actually gets shows?....No?  Hmmpf, Okay.  Well, at least I have summer vacations!



  1. oh you could be a roadie! :) some of those states are not very exciting at all, but colorado, nevada, & utah are some of my favorite states in the way of landscapes and outdoor adventures. gorgeous places!

  2. Ooooh you are right! I could be a merch lady. Is there any way to elevate this roadie gig to make it cooler than a tag-along?! :)

    Colorado, Nevada and Utah are WAY up on the list!! I've heard good things about New Mexico too!

  3. oooooh! seems like fun! :) wonderful blog, chick. :)

    love, rach.
