Monday, November 15, 2010

Bushwick Can Be Beautiful!

A few weekends ago, my sister and her hubby and I ventured to Bushwick (Brooklyn) for dinner at our friend's welcoming and gorgeous apartment.  We had gone earlier in the end of summer for a barbecue, and this time the Fall weather was calling for some grilled pizza and sightseeing.

First Marek and Kristyna who are not only talented artists, but also an amazing and wonderful couple, showed us around Bushwick, which was full of surprises!  My favorite was a nondescript door with only the word "Roberta's" written above it that Marek ventured into.  We followed with trepidation but were absolutely delighted with what was found!  A bustling and rustic pizza shop with a garden in the back.  Roberta's was absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to go back and spend some more time there! Here is a photo from their backyard garden: 

Next we went to their apartment, which has a spacious backyard (an anomaly in NYC) with a nice garden and peaceful pond with running water; and we had a grilled pizza feast:  all ingredients whole and unprocessed!

 My sister and Kristyna prepping the table.
 Their backyard garden at the end of the growing season. A lot of peppers left!
Hors d'Ĺ“uvre and pizza toppings: olives, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, homemade vegan pesto, onion, fresh oregano and local cheeses.
 Marek rolling out the pizza dough.
 Kristyna squeezing fresh limes/lemons for the salad dressing.

The pizzas and dessert were so so yummy that I didn't even take the time out to photograph that part of the meal.  For dessert we had hot spiced apple compote with berries and Wild Mountain tea.  It was such a nice evening!

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