Monday, October 18, 2010

#Unprocessed October Sisters in the kitchen!

Living with my sister has been a blast!  (Besides the fact that I miss my kitties and dog so so much).  My sister is an incredible woman and also a great support system!

I heard about the Unprocessed October challenge through twitter (where I actually get a lot of useful would be surprised how useful twitter can be when you follow the correct people!).  The challenge, as set forth by Andrew Wilder, is to take the month of October and cut processed foods out of your diet.  When I came across this challenge I thought it would be incredibly easy, as I already eat a lot of food from the farmer's market...and I am vegan, so how bad could my processed intake be?!

The answer...pretty darn bad!  I'm not sure I realized how heavily I rely on processed soy product until I started this challenge and realized that soy protein, TVP, and soymilk with additives are all main components of my vegan diet.  I started taking a long hard look at all of the unpronouncables on my organic "all natural" products and started to get creative in the kitchen...oh, and drink my coffee black (for now).
 The other night we made an entire FEAST from all of the different veggies we collectively picked up at Farmer's Markets.  We made spicy stuffed peppers with quinoa, beans, cilantro, tomatoes, garlic and onion. 
Zucchini Bread and Pumpkin Bread

Corn on the cob and fresh green beans.  We also made collards with dates.  We were on a serious roll!  It is nice to make a lot of food at once because it saves gas money (or electric money of you have an electric range), and you can pack your lunches for a few days to come. 

It's so nice having my sister take on this challenge with me!

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