Friday, December 9, 2011

silver lining


You know how some weeks or months are just way harder than others?  Life is funny that way.  A few weeks ago I was feeling completely on top of the world, and the weeks proceeding it have been some of the hardest times of my life.  Maybe I am lucky to not have so many horrible things happen all at once to me before this whirlwind of suck....or maybe I just feel it is so awful because I am in the thick of it.  I think that saying about hindsight being 20/20 is have time to distance yourself from the pain, heartache, loss, fear, and letdown in order to gain clarity.  

It has been hard to post anything even remotely uplifting on this blog, and so I took a little bit of a break as to not subject all of you to my absolute lack of joy...because, let's face it.... that's no fun!  

These are photos of some of the things that have helped me through this time...and trust me, it has been a rough ride.  It would be a shame to allow rough circumstances and events around me to completely bring me down.  As hard as it may be, finding the silver lining is what keeps us going... 
wonton soup
ivy covered house on a walk with my sister
the absolute best sister in the world

spending time in bookstores, and a tattoo to honor my Grandmother

and working in my studio

 I would also like to thank any of my friends who have been there for me letting me know how loved I really am.  I love you guys!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Buy Handmade this Holiday!

Here are a few things I have been loving for the holidays, wink wink nudge nudge.  

My particular decision during the holidays is to either make each thing that I give (paint, bake, make, sew, crochet, draw, print etc)...or make sure that I buy from artisans who hand make their goods.  It feels so much better to give something that you know was made with love and care, and that the person who made your gift was treated fairly (so important!).  The only exception I make to handmade is books:  because, lets face it...books are wonderful and lovely and great, and no one is handwriting a million of their awesome books, right?  If you can: buy from your local bookstore.  The extra money spent and not saved on Amazon or other big box stores goes directly into your community...and doesn't that just feel oh so nice? 

If you don't know where to look in your area to buy local handmade, check out local museums and art centers, as well as galleries.  Many times the unique and original work there is absolutely affordable and one of a kind.  Here are some pieces that I happened upon at a local Art Center in Westchester NY. 

Happy gifting!